Ah, a day at the library! And I do mean a day! After all, a 45 minute drive to the nearest library, with five children packed in the van, made for a pretty grand outing. As soon as the Little Lathams walked through the doors of the library, they scattered to different corners of the stacks. Some went straight to the fairy tales, another to the chapter books and yet another went in search of non-fiction. He was in need of instructions for something such as how to do magic tricks or how build a live animal trap. The possibilities were endless! There were new authors to look for, the next volume in a beloved series, or some new interest that needed exploring. We always had list in hand.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Latham Family Adventures: Library Excursion
Ah, a day at the library! And I do mean a day! After all, a 45 minute drive to the nearest library, with five children packed in the van, made for a pretty grand outing. As soon as the Little Lathams walked through the doors of the library, they scattered to different corners of the stacks. Some went straight to the fairy tales, another to the chapter books and yet another went in search of non-fiction. He was in need of instructions for something such as how to do magic tricks or how build a live animal trap. The possibilities were endless! There were new authors to look for, the next volume in a beloved series, or some new interest that needed exploring. We always had list in hand.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
A Lesson from God

My latest lesson came about during the current
stage of my life. If you have older kids, you know the stage I mean. Some of
the hands-on part of parenting is tapering off and I’m watching our five
children begin to live their lives as young adults. Three are college-age living in different
towns and two are still in high school. This year, everyone was home for
Thanksgiving, Christmas and several other weekend breaks. We’ve always had great
family time. We love the holiday rituals which have been in place since the
kids were young. We enjoy talking, eating, and laughing together. But, for the last year or so I have been
anxiously watching my offspring. Specifically, I’m watching their relationships
with each other.
I’m wondering about those days and months
between the festivities. I can’t help but notice the siblings are moving in
very different directions. Will they stay in touch? Will they go out of their
way to be interested in each others’ lives? Will they call on one another for
help? Will they offer help without being called? I hope…I pray they do all
these things. I see them beginning to and it makes me feel so much love for
them. It makes me feel happy and proud and so blessed. My husband and I have
loved and cherished them, now they are following our example with each other.
it dawned on me. As God’s children, this is exactly what we must do. Love one
another. Look out for our brothers and sisters. God has loved us and taught us
how to love. He has protected us and blessed us and now it’s our turn to
reflect those things by loving one another. As strongly as I want my children
to care for each other, how much more does our Father in heaven want His children
to do the same?
let’s collectively smack our heads and start living in a manner that is
pleasing to God, our Father. Let’s be good sons and daughters. By staying in
touch, being interested in one another, helping out when needed even when our
lives take us in different directions. It is so simple and so right.Friday, January 18, 2013
Latham Family Adventures: The Giant Bride
The dress-up box started out small. The Little Lathams were young when they began collecting various items to use for costumes. It didn’t take long before the box spilled over with hats, capes, gloves, shoes; just about anything that could be used to transform a kid into someone or something else.
Many times, the wearing of a costume was impromptu, spur of the moment. Somebody needed to wear wings while he jumped from the top of the swing set, for example. But other times, a very detailed scenario was being acted out. When this was the case, the costume was of upmost importance. A big part of the fun was in the preparation. And many times, the dressing up took longer than the game itself.
One day, a fancy bridal gown made its way to the dress-up box. Thus began a string of weddings at our house. Whenever the little Latham girls could beg, coax, or bribe their brothers to participate, there would be a wedding. Usually, festivities would include music, flower petals strew all over the living room floor, and a beautiful little bride, her ornate gown trailing six feet behind her. The boys donned their gentleman coats and suffered through a very short wedding.
Then came a period of time when the bridal gown didn’t show up for a while. I’m guessing the boys had their fill of nuptial fun and were interested in more manly activities. That is why I was slightly surprised one afternoon when I heard that there was to be a wedding. The announcement was preceded by a good 45 minute session of giggling and snorting coming from behind a closed bedroom door. I stepped back to watch the flower girls throw some fluffy white stuff around on the carpet, then turned to see what would happen next. My mouth dropped open when I saw the bride! Coming through the door in the beautiful white dress was the littlest Latham boy! And he was six feet tall! And he was acting a little drunk, stumbling and bumping into things! The entire wedding party was laughing hysterically when the bride crumpled to the floor. The crash revealed another little Latham, under the silk and lace who had been walking blindly with his brother on his shoulders!
Luckily, I had a camera handy. I was able to snap a photo. I have it to this day. It's tucked away from the hands of anyone who may want to rid the world of evidence of that very funny, giant, boy bride!
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